Different types of rice

Rice Milling Rate

About Partially Polished Rice

Partially polished rice is rice which was polished while partially leaving behind some parts of the germ (embryo) and rice bran on brown rice. The Germ and rice bran are rich in nutrients such as dietary fiber, minerals, calcium, iron, vitamin B1 and vitamin E. The less polished it is, the higher is the nutritional value. Partially polished rice has several levels of polishing, such as half polished and 70% polished, and the bigger the percentage is, the closer it gets to fully polished rice.

Brown Rice

Brown rice contains abundant nutrients in its bacteria, such as vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. It contains about five to nine times more dietary fiber than white rice. Since there are rice bran layers on its surface, it contains a high amount of indigestible fiber. For that reason, we strongly suggest that you chew it well. It is recommended to chew food 30 times. For those who have weak stomachs and children, we recommend to adjust the amount you eat accordingly.

1) washing
Brown rice has no bran around it because it has not been polished, so there is no need to work as hard as with white rice. Place the rice in a bowl and pour water over it, then rinse it quickly. Repeat this process two or three times. When the rice is first placed in water, it absorbs a large amount of water, so it is better to use purified water for tastier brown rice.

2) Adjusting the amount of water
If your rice cooker has a brown rice mode, use it! If your rice cooker does not have a brown rice mode, use 1.5 to 2 times the amount of brown rice. Roughly, there are about 600 ml of water for every 2 cups of brown rice. The amount of water will vary depending on the rice cooker and the type of rice, so try several times to find the amount of water you like.

3) Soaking & cook
Soak the rice in water slowly, as it needs more time to absorb water than white rice. The standard soaking time is around 6 hours. If you want softer rice, soak for 8 hours, and if you want a chewy texture, soak for 3 to 4 hours. Soaking in water breaks down sugar and increases the "sweetness" of the rice, and breaks down protein and increases the amino acid content, which is the umami component.

In addition, the bran covering the outside of the rice bran becomes softer and softer in texture as it becomes moist.

10% Milled Rice

This is partially polished rice with the rice bran layer and germ removed by 10%.The very thin epidermis (paraffin layer) on the surface of brown rice is removed. Therefore, it is better flooded than brown rice and can be cooked softer.
It has a very nutritive value that is very close to that of brown rice because it only scrapes off the paraffin layer, which is a hard dietary fiber that cannot be digested.

50% Milled Rice

Half polished rice is brown rice with the rice bran layer removed by half. How nutritious is the germ part is right between white rice and brown rice. You can enjoy both the brown rice's aroma and the white rice's sweetness. In comparison to white rice, it contains double the amount of vitamin E, four times more vitamin B1 and double the fiber. It’s also easier to digest and to absorb than brown rice. * Soaking time should be over 30 minutes and please add 15% more water than when you cook white rice.

70% Milled Rice

This is partially polished rice with the rice bran layer and germ removed by 70%. It’s white while retaining some nutrients from the germ. It can be cooked in the same way as you cook white rice. Since it's quite easy to eat, we recommend it for beginners as well as children. * Soaking time should be at least 30 minutes, and the same amount of water should be added as for white rice.

White Rice

White rice is made by removing all the rice bran parts (pericarp, seed coat and aleurone layer) from brown rice. White rice is certainly the rice you can enjoy the rice's sweetness the most.


‘Brown rice’ requires extra steps to cook, however, today there are many rice cookers with convenient functions to easily cook brown rice. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
Also, we strongly recommend 70% polished rice for those who wish to try non-white rice for the first time as it's easy to cook, nutritious and tastes quite similar to white rice. This is your chance to try the distinctive rich taste of brown rice and partially polished rice, unlike the regular white rice.
