How to Cook Japanese Brown Rice

In this page, we will be sharing information and tips about Japanese brown rice as well as introducing the best way to cook Japanese brown rice in a pot and rice cooker.

What is Japanese Brown Rice?

Japanese brown rice, also known as “Genmai,” is short-grain brown rice.
Brown rice retains the bran and germ intact, making it rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber.
It has a nutty flavor, subtle sweetness, and is less sticky than white rice.

How to Cook & Cooking Tips

Measure rice in a measuring cup

  • 1 rice measuring cup = 180ml/150gmeasuring cup
  • Add water to wash the rice

Tip #1 Rub gently

  • Rub the brown rice gently while washing 
  • It helps each rice grain absorb water, resulting in softer rice
  • Change the water and repeat washing for 1-2 minutes

Tip #2 Soak longer

  • Soak the rice longer than white rice, at least 2 hours 
  • It allows it to soak up more moisture and maximize flavor.

Drain the water

  1. Remove it to a pot

Tip #3 Use cold water

  • Add cold water or water with ice cubes for cooking
  • The water temperature rises gradually, allowing the rice to absorb moisture at a steady pace
  • Placing the rice in the refrigerator when presoaking also helps

Tip #4 Keep the lid on

  • Keep the lid on, let the steam cook the rice tender

How to cook rice in a pot

  • Start with medium heat to reach boiling (10-15 minutes)
  • Once boiled, reduce the heat to low
  • Cook for 20 minutes on low heat, keeping the lid on
  • Turn off the heat
  • Remove the pot from the stove and steam for 10 minutes
  • Keep the lid on, never open
  • Finally, carefully open the lid
  • Fluff the rice with a rice scoop

How to cook rice in a rice cooker

  1. Transfer the washed rice to the pot
  2. Add water to the measuring line.
  3. Turn on the “Brown Rice” mode and start cooking
  4. Gently stir the cooked rice

The cooked brown rice is now ready to eat!


